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Social Development

As part of our ongoing social development programmes, we aid to educate, assist and enable people to produce their own fresh produce in an eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable manner. We are firm believers that healthy and educated people can contribute towards a healthier society. Our methods start with teaching people how to create their own compost, and  progress to managing and harvesting their produce.

Animals are a crucial part of our society, and our education programs focus on responsible domestic and livestock ownership, as well as wound treatment and sterilization projects. On a bi-monthly basis, we establish a basic outreach team in the Rethabeseng community, where domestic animals in need of treatment, tick and flea control, deworming, pet advice and bags of dog and cat food handed out to each animal seen. The animals which cannot be treated on site are taken to a local vet for treatment and then reunited with their owners once treatment is complete. We attend to call-outs and pick-ups of animals in desperate need of treatment but cannot be brought to us by members of the outreach programme who bring their animals on a regular basis..

The farm is a forever home to over 60 animals rescued from various circumstances and now live the rest of their days in peace and safety.

In order to raise funds to continue our animal sanctuary and community animal outreach projects, we host a number of children's parties and animal petting activities on the farm. If you would like to arrange a day of fun or book a children's party, kindly contact us on the details below:

082 520 7040

Food Gardens

Based on the Foundation for Farming principles, our team routinely aids people in impoverished areas to develop and grow food gardens. Our programmes include education on how to measure and plant ensuring a minimal amount of resources are required to achieve success. The food gardens thrive in the communities we assist and we have already established over 30 gardens, helping to grow healthy food and in turn healthy people. Read more.

Farming Leafy Greens

Maize Field

African Hills is committed to developing and researching sustainable farming methods. Currently, we have a 3 ha trial maize field under drip fertigation system, which allows for crops to be fertilized with the right dosage and type of fertilizer at the appropriate time, resulting in a higher yield per ha. Maize grown on the farm is harvested and banked at the local silo, and used towards meals at the Children's Village, school and for farm staff meals daily.


Eragrostis and planting for the future

The farm has several eragrostis and teff fields that are cut and baled several times a year. A portion of the bales are sold and a portion used to feed the animals at our animal sanctuary. Similar to other projects on the farm, the grass sales serve as an income generator for the farm and social development projects.

Food Gardens
Farming Projects
Sponsor an Animal

The Animal Sanctuary

The sanctuary is home to over 30 rescued horses and donkeys, as well as pigs, goats, dogs, cats and other furry or feathered creatures who make an appearance from time to time.


All of our animals love attention! If you would like to enjoy a day out on the farm and give these wonderful furries a cuddle, let us know. Click here for contact details to arrange a time.

Although the farm does produce grass for the animals, additional support is always welcome to cover various medical expenses, veterinary visits, concentrated feed, supplements and farrier costs.  We have volunteer programmes where dogs can be walked, horses groomed or join any of the animal based projects and maintenance upkeep of stables and enclosures. If you would like to help, but are short on time, why not sponsor a dog, horse, cat or other furry creature for a week, a month or even a year? Click on the images to the right to find out who is available for sponsorship. We send all sponsors regular updates on how their “pets” are doing.

Some of our rescue animals also live in the houses with the children in the Children's Village, and are ever-watchful and loyal companions to the children.

Vegetable Farm

Donate towards food gardens and farming projects

Gardens can be established with what is available to people on the land, and can be started on a piece of ground the size of a door frame, with the help of a few seeds, seedlings and a hoe. One garden has the capacity to feed up to six people for a month and the owners are taught how to replant and keep the gardens producing food. The gardens also make use of companion planting methods, ensuring pests and insects are kept at bay without having to buy or use pesticides.

We would like to thank our loyal supporters for your seed, goods and monetary donations. Without you, the work we do would not be possible. If you would like to find out how you can be a part of the change by volunteering to lend a hand, you can get in touch here.

Seeds used frequently include:  green beans, spinach, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, marigolds, basil and thyme. One seemingly small bag of seeds can make a big difference in someone’s life. If you are too short on time to lend a hand, but would like to become involved, click here to make a contribution towards a bag of seeds.

Help Create a Food Garden
African Hills Logo_green.png

For latest news and adventures, follow our social media accounts.

Tel: 082 520 7040

Farm Rustfontein 488 JR,
Farm Road R513,
Bronkhorstspruit District,
South Africa


Click here to view our ongoing social development projects and how you can be a part of the change.

Opening Times

Opening times for day fishing:

06:30 - 18:30 daily.

The main gate is locked at 18:30. Kindly ensure you have departed prior to this time.

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